The other is legacy IMAP, which GoDaddy is no longer investing in. If you use other email clients, you'll also need to create signatures for them. One is Office 365, which is fully supported by GoDaddy. These steps will only create a signature that's available when using Outlook on the web. Add your social media page's link to the Web address (URL) box, and select OK. Next, select the three dots and the hyperlink button.
Under Email signature, enter your preferred signature.You can follow the below-mentioned steps if you want to enable GoDaddy Office 365 IMAP settings.
Download and install it, so you’re 100 prepared come upgrade time.
In the upper-right corner, select Settings > View all Outlook settings. MS Outlook allows the IMAP and POP3-based email clients. Windows PC: If you’re on a Windows PC running Windows 7 or higher AND using Outlook 2010+, the Outlook Migration Assistant will have you up and running in a flash.
Use your Microsoft 365 email address and password (your GoDaddy username and password won't work here). Need help making a professional signature? Create your signature in the Email & Office Dashboard, then add it to Outlook. Email signatures help your recipients know more about who's contacting them, including info like your phone number and website. Your signature can be automatically added to every message you send, or only added on certain messages. Add an email signature in Outlook on the webĪdd email signatures when sending messages using Outlook on the web.